Edited by Dawn Vogel and Jeremy Zimmerman

- That Ain't Right: Historical Accounts of the Miskatonic Valley
- Selfies from the End of the World: Historical Accounts of the Apocalypse
- Fitting In: Historical Accounts of Paranormal Subcultures
- Utter Fabrication: Historical Accounts of Unusual Buildings and Structures
- Battling in All Her Finery: Historical Accounts of Otherworldly Women Leaders
- I Didn't Break the Lamp - Historical Accounts of Imaginary Acquaintances
"Growing up in Arkham, you hear things. Ghost stories wrapped in magickal moon lore with a heaping helping of elder gods and forbidden books, all swapped between boys and girls over dwindling campfires. We collected alternate histories like kids on TV traded baseball cards. As a child of Arkham, you just took for granted you lived in a special town, but seeing that difference up close and personal, in the place where you gave up evenings and weekends so college admissions might think you were well-rounded and responsible, well, seeing that kind of truth was an awful big shock."
-- "Arkquarium" by Folly Blaine
Mad Scientist Journal has brought together eighteen tales of people who have either lived in this strange corner of New England or had the misfortune of visiting. Mixed in with nods to classic Lovecraft icons are stories that bring a new eye to the genre. Tales of horse drawn carriages share space with orbital shuttles, alternate worlds, and football.
Included in this collection are Sanford Allen, Brandon Barrows, Folly Blaine, Darin M. Bush, Kelda Crich, Nathan Crowder, Erik Scott de Bie, Sean Frost, Phil Gonzales, Brian Hamilton, Samuel Marzioli, Erick Mertz, Craig D. B. Patton, Jenna M. Pitman, Evan Purcell, Damir Salkovic, Emily C. Skaftun, and Cliff Winnig.
Publisher: DefCon One Publishing
Cover Artists: