Ride Like the Devil

by Nathan Crowder

Cover art for Ride Like the Devil
Part of the de la Vega Mysteries series:
Editions:Paperback - DefCon One Edition: $ 14.99
ISBN: 9781948280068
Size: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 214

Once a year, thirty racers gather from all over the world to compete in an illegal cycle race from Mexico to Canada. Big money and bigger bragging rights go to the winner of the Devil's Run International. Some would do anything to win--even murder.

It falls to Manuel de la Vega and his vigilante alter ego Gato Loco to find this murderer among madmen. Or his friend Xander Tesla might be the next victim.

Follow de la Vega and his panda sidekick Snowflake for a high-octane thrill ride up the Pacific coast, where danger waits around every bend, and death comes at you at 200 miles an hour!

Publisher: DefCon One Publishing
Cover Artists:

DefCon One is the publisher of the print edition of this book. The ebook is published by Nathan Crowder.

About the Author

Creator and curator of the superhero universe of Cobalt City, Nathan lives in the wilds of North Seattle, where he writes his weird stories and survives on a diet of coffee and irony. He draws inspiration from Kurt Vonnegut who reminds us, "God damn it, you've got to be kind."